Who we are

Principal InvestigatorClara Mihaela Ionescu is professor at Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, at Ghent University, Belgium since October 2016. She is a research-member of the laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Control. She holds a master degree is Automation and Applied Informatics in 2003 from Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania, and a PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from Ghent University in 2009. She was recipient of prestigious excellence scholarship for top-students going abroad from the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation during her master Studies at Ghent University in 2002. She was also recipient of prestigious excellent post-doctoral scholarship of Flemish Research Foundation, of Belgium for 6 years, from 2011 - 2017. She is an ERC Consolidator Grant fellow: AMICAS, Adaptive Multi-Drug Infusion Control System for General Anesthesia during Major Surgery. She is member of several valorization and innovation platforms in Belgium: Flanders Make, Centre for Sustainable Pharmaceutical Engineering, etc. She has more than 100 scientific publications in Web of Science with h-index of 31, and equal number of indexed conference proceedings. She is a IFAC TC member of TC 2.1, 6.4, 8.2, all involving modelling, identification, tuning and optimal control of chemical, biological, medical processes. She organized two IFAC conferences: Advances in PID control in 2018 and Biology and Medical Systems in 2021. Her research interests include fractional order systems modelling and control, predictive control and related multi-objective optimization algorithms. Application areas are prevalent in biomedical systems, chemical and manufacturing processes.

Dana Copot
FWO Postdoctoral ResearcherSenior postdoctoral research with 10 years experience in control. In the last 3 years I have developed the open source patient simulator. This is a versatile and complete simulation environment for test and evaluation of different control strategies.
Update the patients simulator with new features.

Erhan Yumuk
Postdoctoral ResearcherA dedicated researcher and lecturer with nine years of experience in Control Engineering area. Willing to expand the scientific horizon by studying various control strategies as well as to contribute to the research project's goals
Develop and test control strategies on anesthesia and hemodynamic systems

Ghada Ben Othman
PhD ResearcherMotivated and dedicated PhD researcher working on artificial intelligence algorithms for scarce data. Eager to make great progress in the development of methodologies for objective pain assessment.
I will focus on the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for pain prediction.

Amani Rayene Ynineb
PhD ResearcherMotivated and dedicated PhD researcher working on modelization and control of the hemodynamic system in TIVA. Eager to make great progress in terms of development of control algorithms for optimal drug dosing problems.
I will focus on the development of model predictive controller for the hemodynamic drug administration.

Bora Ayvaz
PhD ResearcherMotivated and dedicated PhD researcher in the field of control engineering. Eager to make great progress in terms of development of closed loop drug dosing control systems.
I will focus on the algorithms for integrating computer controlled anesthesia and hemodynamic states in a clinical environment.

Bouchra Khoumeri
PhD ResearcherMotivated and dedicated PhD researcher in the field of control engineering. Eager to make great progress in terms of development of closed loop drug dosing control systems.
I will focus on designing a system that prioritizes patient safety by implementing an intuitive and reliable alarm system to promptly alert healthcare professionals to critical situations.